Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Ice Storm

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We here at FunBox feel for all those trapped in the bitter Ice Storms plaguing the Midwest and would like to dedicate this entry to them. Irony abounds in the fact that those who actually are victims of the storm won’t be able to read this blog because none of them have power. But for the rest of you out there who are still basking in the warm glow and gentle buzz of electricity, enjoy (you might want to open a window and let some cold air in as a show of solidarity).

One winter when I was ten years old, my family had gone out to get groceries, but sometime during the hour or so, a storm hit. Our trip back home became a struggle. Everything was starting to turn to ice, the rain freezing as it hit the ground. It was a grueling one mile per hour race to safety. The last couple turns were especially scary as the car began to fishtail. Well scary for my parents, my sister and I were thrilled… thrilled to death! After what seemed like way to long , we finally made it home. The next challenge loomed before us: getting up the driveway.

I had never thought of our driveway as steep until that day. Things that normally don’t seem that daunting become so when covered in a thick layer of ice. As the tires spun around in vain, my father realized that his first attempt was not going to work. He made all of us pile out into the cold to try again without us holding him back (this is the same argument he would use later after the divorce), but still no luck. His eyes passed over my sister and I considering if our tiny arms would be good for pushing. Thankfully I was a small child and he resigned to park on the street like a commoner.

With the driveway clear we began our slippery ascent. My footing failed and since we had began the climb without the proper tethering equipment, I quickly slipped down the slope. Revelation! Sliding down something is fun! The rest of the day was spent using the doormat as a bobsled while my parents sat inside quietly waiting for the pipes to freeze.

What's your best storm story? (Note: people retelling scenes from the film The Ice Storm will be removed.)
